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Test de peinture au plomb SenSafe

Original price $22.00
Current price $17.00
N° de pièce 480310

10 Tests - Best selling UK, EU & US Lead Paint Test.

A very easy and safe way to see if you have lead paint, perfect for home DIY or professional use. Very clear yes/no test. 

Cette bande de test de couleur de la peinture au plomb, de notre marque SenSafe®, permet de tester rapidement et précisément la présence de plomb dans la peinture. Il mesure >600 ppm et >5000 ppm en moins de 5 minutes.

En outre, les bandes sont sûres à utiliser, emballées individuellement, sans danger sur toutes les surfaces, et même pour travailler sur de la peinture rouge. Le test de la peinture au plomb est le choix économique pour vos besoins en matière de tests. L'indicateur de ce test réagit avec le plomb et d'autres métaux lourds.

Tous les réactifs nécessaires sont inclus et aucun autre accessoire n'est nécessaire. Nous utilisons des traces de produits chimiques sur nos bandes, ce qui les rend extrêmement sûres et non dangereuses. Ils sont considérés comme des articles au titre de l'OSHA et ne nécessitent pas de fiches FDS. Cet emballage est recyclable.

Détectives : 0 (0,0%), 600 (0,06%), 5000 (0,5%) ppm (mg/L)

Lead in paint

We know that too much lead in our bodies isn’t healthy. Over the last
30 years or so, a lot has been done to get rid of lead in this country,
but you may still come across it in old paint.
This is because up until the mid-1960s, lead was used to make some
kinds of paint – for windows, doors, and other woodwork as well as
for some metal items, like radiators. A few minor uses continued until
the 1980s.


How will I know if there’s lead in my paintwork?

  • The age of your home is a good guide. If it was built before the1960s and still has original coats of paint, there could be some lead around.
  • Another clue is if your paintwork is quite thick – lead could be locked into the oldest layers. That’s not a problem if it’s in good condition and you don’t plan to decorate. If it has recently had a new coat of paint, this probably will have sealed any lead in.
  • Modern household paints do not contain added lead and are not dangerous. So, if your home is newer, there won’t be any lead there.
  • Testing for it. 

Buy with confidence

  • Each ITS test strip is manufactured in an environmentally controlled facility with extensive testing throughout the production process to ensure product integrity and accuracy.
  • Based and distributed from our UK & EU Office.
  • Full customer support directly from manufacturer.
  • Free UK & EU shipping available.




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