Monopersulfate, or MPS, helps to maintain and increase the life of your sanitizer. MPS Spa Check 3in1 is the perfect solution for pool & spa owners who use MPS
Notre marque SpaCheck® est conçue spécifiquement pour les propriétaires de spas. Ces bandes sont faciles à utiliser, rapides dans la procédure et précises dans les résultats.
There is a precise colour chart on the back of the bottle to check and understand your results. This 3 in 1 simple, colour test strip is a compact spa water check test and allows you to test for the following parameters in your water: Monopersulfate (MPS) Total Alkalinity and pH. This allows you to test your water for simple maintenance. Note: MPS helps to maintain and increase the life of your sanitizer.
Détecte :
Alcalinité totale : 0, 40, 80, 120, 180, 240, 360 ppm (mg/L)
Monopersulfate (MPS): LOW, OK, HIGH
pH : 6,0, 6,4, 6,8, 7,2, 7,6, 8,2, 9,0 pH
Bouteille de 50 tests