Détectives : 0,0, 0,05, 0,1, 0,2, 0,3, 0,4, >0,5 ppm (mg/L)
1 paquet de 30 tests
This Ozone Check colour test strip from our SenSafe® brand allows for quick and accurate testing of Ozone in water at a low detection range (0,05 to 0.5 ppm). This is a simple dip and read test and you will have your result within 20 seconds.
These strips can be used across industry from testing. Our aperture strips are unique in the way the water flows through them and detects the ozone more accurately. The precise colour chart is found inside the packaging and no other reagents or accessories are needed for this simple test.
Nous utilisons des traces de produits chimiques sur nos bandes, ce qui les rend extrêmement sûres et non dangereuses. Ils sont considérés comme des articles au sens de l'OSHA et ne nécessitent pas de fiches FDS.